Watterson Trail Church of Christ

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Peace WITH God

Peace WITH God while Under Pressure

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Peace WITH God Mickey Burleson


Spiritual peace is ours ONLY when we have a right relationship with God through Christ Jesus (Rom 5:1).


How Can I Have Peace?   (John 14:6)

  1. There is a WAY to Spiritual Peace (Matt 7:13-14).  Choose the difficult, narrow way and not the broad, easy way. People headed down the broad narrow way are "feeling just fine" and don't even know where they are headed.
  2. I must find the TRUTH that leads to Spiritual Peace  (John 16:33) — we need to find the TRUTH that leads to the WAY.
  3. Spiritual Peace is not a destination, it is a LIFE (Isa 26:2-3) — peace is not a goal or objective, it is a lifestyle integrated into our daily routine. It is a journey. We don't have to wait for peace, we can't have it now if we want it.