The Lost Son (Luke 15:11–24)

In this parable, Jesus teaches us about the Father's love for us through the parable of the lost son.


Notice the Father's Heart and Action:

  1. The Father Loved the Son When He Was Home (Ps 100)
  2. The Father Loved the Son When He Left Home (2 Cor 5:14)
  3. The Father Loved the Son When He Came Home   (2 Pet 3:9)  — God desires that all people come to repentance.


Speaking in Parables

  • Jesus spoke about seeds, farming, pearls, and other “figures of speech” to teach lessons to us about God and himself (John 16:25–33).
  • When Jesus “tells it like it is,” we don't always want to listen.  That's why he spoke in parables: to help us see  deeper things.
  • When the time comes for us to speak plainly, we must do so, and allow God to take care of the rest.