/Jesus Calls Us to Tap into His Greatness
/Matt 4:18–22
What Makes a Person Great?
- Are you born with greatness? (David)
- Is greatness thrust upon you? (Esther)
- Can you climb the ladder to greatness? (John the Apostle)
- Can you simply become great? (Paul)
- Can Greatness Come and Go?
Will we decide to be different in 2017?
stronger, smarter, more faithful?
Behold Jesus
- Behold the Sun (Eccl 11:7)
- Behold the Lamb (John 1:36)
- Behold the Man (John 19:5)
- Behold What Manner of Love (1 John 3:1)
Challenges for 2017
- Behold the people you love.
- Behold God, family, friends, the lost, and the world, and the beauties of life that surround you.
Deacon Qualifications
/The Work of a Deacon is to serve the church.
- Reverent, Respectful (1 Tim 3:8) — a deacon serves in the ministry of Christ. Humility is necessary.
- Not Doubletongued (1 Tim 3:8) — able to be truthful in all their activities. They're a consistent person wherever they are.
- Not Given to Much Wine (1 Tim 3:8) — disciplined in his personal life (i.e. alcohol). God commands kings and princes to abstain (leaders), wine is for the sick (Prov 31).
- Not Greedy for Dishonest Gain (1 Tim 3:8) — not seeking gain. Their priority must be service.
- Hold the Mystery of Faith with a Clear Conscience (1 Tim 3:9) — able to hold onto the faith without compromise.
- Tested and Found Blameless (1 Tim 3:10) — they will be examined and held accountable.
- Wife Reverent, Not a Gossiper/Slanderer, Self-Controlled, and Faithful (1 Tim 3:11)
- Husband of One Wife (1 Tim 3:12)
- Ruling/Managing His House Well (1 Tim 3:12) — wife and children respect and honor him.
Elder Qualifications
/These are not suggestions or ideals. A man must meet all of these qualifications.
- Desires to be an Elder (1 Tim 3:1) — he must want to serve in this office.
- Blameless and Above Reproach (1 Tim 3:2; Titus 1:6) — not perfect since there would be no elders ever, but living in a way that no reproach or blame rests on them.
- Husband of One Wife (1 Tim 3:2; Titus 1:6) — he must be a married man.
- Temperate (1 Tim 3:2; Titus 1:7-8) — self-controlled in all aspects of life they are the same man wherever they are.
- Sober-Minded (1 Tim 3:2; Titus 1:7-8) — able to clearly make decisions, mature.
- Orderly (1 Tim 3:2) — well behaved and reliable.
- Hospitable (1 Tim 3:2; Titus 1:8) — courteous, friendly, kind, welcoming.
- Able to Teach (1 Tim 3:2; Titus 1:9) — able to teach the church and hold to the Word of God.
- Not Given to Wine (1 Tim 3:3)
- Not Violent (1 Tim 3:3)
- Not Greedy or a Lover of Money (1 Tim 3:3; Titus 1:7) — generous with sound judgement. Able to manage finances for the work of God.
- Gentle (1 Tim 3:3) — courteous, peaceful, not harsh or turbulent or coarse or ride.
- Not Quarrelsome (1 Tim 3:3) — not argumentative but able to manage conflict peacefully.
- Not Covetous
- Rule His House Well (1 Tim 3:5-6) — children living faithful lives in submission.Not a New Christian — new to the faith or new to the church (how can they shepherd if they know not the sheep?).
- Good Reputation among Non-Christians (1 Tim 3:7)
- Faithful Children (Titus 1:6) — children old enough to be Christians should be.
- Not Quick Tempered (Titus 1:7)
- Lover of Good (Titus 1:8)
- Holy (Titus 1:8)
- Sound in the Faith (Titus 1:9)
- Wife Reverent, Not A Gosspier, Temperate, Faithful (1 Tim 3:11) — the wife of a man can disqualify him.
2 Pet 2:5–10
Godliness Defined
- Having a great reverence for God characterized by a Godward attitude and a Godward devotion.
- Thinking, speaking, living, being like God.
Godliness Illustrated
- Noah found favor before God, was righteous and blameless in his generation (Gen 6:8-9).
- Abraham trusted in God and it was counted to him as righteousness (Gen 15:6).
- Moses spoke to God as he would a friend - this required Godliness (Exod 33:11).
- David was gentle and faithful and had a heart like God (1 Sam 13, 17).
- Mary was submissive and serving (Luke 10:42).
- Jesus was selfless and he was one with God.
Examine Yourselves: Goals for 2017
/Goals for Yourselves: Examine Yourselves (2 Cor 13:5–6)
- But don't measure yourselves by other people (2 Cor 10:12ff).
- Grow in grace and knowledge (2 Pet 3:1)
- If you have been in the faith for a long time, should you not be a teacher? (Heb 5:12–13)
- So it's entirely biblical to sit down at the turn of every year and even more frequently to evaluate whether or not we have been who we need to be as a Christian
Goals for the Church: How Can You Serve?
- Discover your gifts and talents to use them in the ministry.
- Even the "One Talent Man" could have done something useful with his talent but he was scared to use it (Matt 25:14-30). He was afraid to fail, to be criticized, or to do it right.
- Use your gift to serve one another (1 Pet 4:10). It would be nice to have other certain talents but God has given each of us gifts to use.
- Equipped to Serve (Eph 4:11–12)
- We need a diversity of talents, abilities, and viewpoints.
- Sometimes we have people who are equipped but unwilling to step forward; others with less ability in this area step forward but with less experience and struggle to accomplish the task. Yet the person who stepped forward was more helpful.
- The talent who choose to sit on the side should not criticize those who attempt to work.
- The Heart of a Servant (Matt 20:20-28)
- When you have the gifts and talents it's important to have the heart of a servant. To recognize that you have the ability and step forward.
- But you must ask who are you trying to serve? James and John were confident but sought to be important and recognized.
- Jesus however led the way by serving (John 13:1–20).
Walking in the Timing of God
/Proverbs 3:1–10
- Keep God's laws and by his timing it will lead to length of days, long life, and peace (Prov 3:1–2)
- Being merciful will lead to favor and success in the eyes of God and men (Prov 3:3–4)
- Trust and acknowledge the Lord and he will give us direction (Prov 3:5–6)
- Be humble and respectful and God will provide health and strength (Prov 3:7–8)
- Be generous and God will provide blessings (Prov 3:9–10)
Patience and Perseverence
/Gal 6:7–10
Sometimes on the way to help us, Jesus delays to help someone else (Mark 5:21-43). We have to be patient until God comes to aid us.
Walking in the Hand of God
/Key Verses: Mark 10:13-16; 1 Pet 5:6
- God's hand is strong enough to save us (Isaiah 59:1-2).
- His hand is safe and secure to hold us (Mark 10:13-16).
- His hand is powerful to heal us (Matt 11:28-30) .
- His hand is gentle to help us (Psalm 23) .
- His hand is steady to lead us (John 6:66-69).