Stop Waiting for Ideal Circumstances
/Post Description
The World’s Greatest Day
- The world has seen many great days. The creation, the death-burial-resurrection of Jesus, and the day of Pentecost.
- The Greatest Day is yet to come... Lord’s Return
1. Day of Identification
- Jesus will be identified as Lord and Savior. Every tongue will confess him
- Jesus will identify those who are His. Every Christian will be identified.
2. Day of Transformation
- 1 Corinthians 15:51-54.
- We will have a body like that of Jesus
- What does the Bible teach about Future Recognition?
3. Day of Commendation
- 1 Corinthians 4:3-4
- The Crown of Righteousness (2 TIm 4:8)
4. Day of Reunification
- ”Caught up together” (1 Thess 4:17)
- The living and the dead will be reunited.
5. Day of Separation
- 2 Peter 3:10
- What will happen to those who are not ready to meet the Lord?
- Are you a Christian? Are you identified with Christ?
- Are you ready for the world’s greatest day?
The Ascension of Jesus
- Astronauts were not the first people “in space.”
- Jesus Christ ascended into heaven without a space rocket.
- Picture the homecoming in heaven when esus arrived.
- Every Christian will ascend to heaven with a homecoming (1 Thess 4:16–17)
- Philippians 2:5-11 “every tongue shall coness Jesus Christ is Lord”
- Acts 1:1–3 “seen of them 40 days” why 40 days?
- Six lessons to be learned from the ASCENSION OF JESUS
- Mark 16:19 “sat on the right hand of God”
- This implies that Jesus “finished” the work God sent him to do.
2. The Ascension & INTERCESSION FOR US
- Hebrews 4:14–16; Jesus is our high priest.
- Exodus 28:34 “Golden bell and pomogranate around them” Why?
- Hebrews 7:25 πHe liveth to make intercession for us”
- Difference between sympathy and empathy.
- Mark 16:19–21
- “Jesus was received up into heaven... and THEY went forth and preached everywhere.” Is that what we are doing?
4. The Ascension & CHRISTIAN SERVICE
- Ephesians 4:8–12
- Matthew 25:14-30. Five, two and one talent
- One talent man was afraid and hid his talent.
- Colossians 1:24 “Suffered in the flesh for Christ and His body which is the church.”
- Matthew 25:14-30. Five, two and one talent
The Ascension & SECOND COMING
- Acts 1:10–11
- Jesus ascended bodily and suddenly. This is how He will return.
- He is coming to raise the dead, translate the living, unite them back again, and take His children to heaven.
- John 20:17–18 - “touch me not... MY Father... YOUR Father.”
- 2 Corinthians 5:16-17 a new creature
- John 14:1-4 Jesus speaks of a new relationship in heaven.
- If you know nothing about this NEW RELATIONSHIP as one of His children... please prepare now. FAITH, REPENT, CONFESS, BAPTISM.
- Jesus ascended. One day he will descend not to save but to judge. Will it be HEAVEN for you? Will it be HELL? Which?
The Day Death Died
- 1 Corinthians15:1-4.....13-21
- The darkest day - death of Jesus. The brightest day - resurrection.
- Universal Radio - 33 A. D. in Jerusalem.
- Job asked the age old question - “If a man die, shall he live again?”
1. Death Is the Common Lot of All Mankind:
- The planet earth is a vast graveyard.
- Illust.: Harry Houdini - “If there is a way out of grave, I’ll find it.”
- Scriptures: Psalms 103:15-16; Isaiah 64:6; Psalms 23:4; 31:5; 116:15; 2 Corinthians 5:1, 7.
- Hope - Proverbs 14:32. No hope - Proverbs 11:7
2. The Hope of the Resurrection
- Nature teaches a resurrection.
- Paul instructed Agrippa about resurrection - Acts 26:8
- Paul, Peter and early Christians believed in the resurrection.
- Christ is the first fruit of the resurrection - I Corinthians 15:20
- What would life be without hope of the resurrection?
- Preaching in vain - V. 14
- Faith is foolish - V. 14
- Disciples would be false witnesses - V. 15
- Still in our sins - V. 17
- Romans 4:25
- No cleaning from sin...the penalty of sin is still upon us.
- Death would have dominion over us - V. 18
- Paul ended this Resurrection Chapter with hope - V. 51-57
- Where does Christ dwell? At right hand of God in heaven.
- How does He dwell in us? “By faith”. - Gal. 2:20; Eph. 3:17
- During the past three weeks, we have looked into the TRIAL OF JESUS (spiritual and civil), His CRUCIFIXION and His RESURRECTION.
- Do you believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose again from the grave -
- This is the GOSPEL STORY - II Corinthians 15:1-4
- Do you believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose again from the grave -
- Christ does not RESIDE in the heart where He does not PRESIDE over it.
- Will you crown Him “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS?”
Behold the Man
- John 19:1-42 is the Greatest Love Story ever told. It tells of God’s Love for us and Christ’s willingness to die for our sins.
- Behold the Man. We see four things.
Behold the Man
- The Crown (John 19:1-5)
- The Cry (19:6)
- The Crisis (19:7; 8-22)
- The Cross
Crucifixion of Jesus
- The picture of Calvary is one of death and suffering.
- The crucifixion means different things to different people.
- To the Jews and Romans = execution.
- To the unbeliever = foolishness (1 Cor 1:18)
- To the believer (1 Cor 2:1-4)
- What do you see when you “Survey the Cross”?
When I Survey the Cross, I see...
1. The Value God Places Upon the Soul is Man
- Look at the Lord in Gethsemane.
- Look at the Lord as he stood before Pilate.
- Look at the Lord carrying the heavy cross to Calvary.
2. The Darkness and the Inhumanity of Man Toward His Fellowman
- 1 Peter 2:22; John 15:25
- The absolute need for Hell
- The penalty of sin
3. Love of God and Love of Christ
- Romans 5:8-9; 1 John 4:9; John 3:16
- No one took His life... He gave it!
- 12 legions of angels
4. The Value God Places on the Church
- Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:25
- What are we doing when we say hurtful things to a Christian?
5. The Great Challenges in My Life
- Forgive... love others... prepare to die.
6. Hope Offered for the First Time
- Hebrews 10:1-12; Ephesians 2:12; 12-13; Colossians 1:27-28; Galatians 3:27
7. A Cross for Me
- Luke 9:23; 1 Corinthians 15:31; Galatians 2:20
Behold the Man
Must Jesus bear the cross alone... no, there is a cross for me.
The Greatest of All Nights
- There are many great nights mentioned in the Bible
- Some are laden with Tradegy and others with Hope
1. The Greatest of All Nights
- Joseph and Mary held a great secret.
- This SECRET was revealed when they traveled to Bethlehem.
- -> The NIGHT OF ALL NIGHTS had arrived.
- -> Jesus was to be born (Gal 4:4)
2. The Savior of the World was Born
- The PLAN OF SALVATION became needed when man sinned in the GARDEN of EDEN.
- God uses many great people to bring this fulfillment: Abraham, David, Isaiah, others.
3. God Used Many People in This Plan
- JEWS - a covenant people
- GREEKS - a common language
- ROMANS - a time of peace for the Prince of Peace
4. The Two Groups that Participated in the Greatest Night
- Angels
- Shepherds
poor shepherds visited Jesus. His association with the poor shows how approachable he was to every person.
Conclusion: Mary and Joseph were Dedicated to God
- Truly Jesus was born a FLESHLY BIRTH that you and I can be born a ROYAL BIRTH.
- Do you need to be born again? (John 3:3-5)